Replacement FUJITSU 0644260 Laptop Battery have two main ratings on them: Volts and Amperes. Because size and weight of fujitsu-fm-43a-battery is limited when compared to larger batteries such as car batteries, most companies show their ratings with Volts and Mill amperes. 1000 Mill amperes equals 1 Ampere. When buying a replacement battery, choose batteries with the most Mill amperes (or mAh). Perhaps the simplest rating of all, batteries are also rated by Watt-Hours. This is found by multiplying the Volts and the Amperes together. For example:
14.4 Volts, 3000mAh (Note: 4000mAh is equal to 4.0 Amperes).
14.4 x 4.0 = 57.60 Watt-Hours
Watt-Hours signify the energy needed to power one watt for one hour. This fujitsu-0644270-battery can power 57.60 watts for one hour. If your power tool runs at 20.50 watts, as an example, this power tool battery could power your FUJITSU power tool for 2.8 hours.